Burning Man, August 2008
![RV Ride](BurningMan2008ARVride.jpg)
The RV ride on the way up
![Virgin Swim](BurningMan2008BVirginSwim.jpg)
Making the Virgin Burners do sand angels before they can enter.
![Virgin Bell](BurningMan2008DVirginBell.jpg)
Ring the bell and we're in!
![The Man](BurningMan2008ETheMan.jpg)
Checking out The Man our first night there.
![Penis Art](BurningMan2008HPenisArt.jpg)
Saw these beautiful glow-in-the-dark flower installations from afar, I
was standing next to them when I noticed what they were.
![Center Camp](BurningMan2008ICenterCampNap.jpg)
Taking a nap at Center Camp, notice the goggles & bandana so he can
sleep through the next sandstorm when it rolls in?
![Flip Flops](BurningMan2008JFlipFlops.jpg)
There is no such thing as clean at Burning Man